March 2, 2015
Family and Friends,
Life is sooooo good. I don't know if I'm hyper or just abnormally happy, but I am so excited right now as I write this letter. This week was wonderful, absolutely wonderful. Joy fills my heart because of have the opportunity I have to be here in Yakima, Washington. The sun has been shining, I get to meet so many great people everyday, and the missionary work is going to explode here pretty soon. WOOOOOOOOOOO, I LOVE MY MISSION SO STINKING MUCH! Calm down Elder Smith, calm down......I can't.... BOW CHICKA WA WAAAAA!
Our investigators are doing wonderful and we are excited to watch them progress in the gospel. Hortencia came to church and brought her entire family. After we asked how it went and she said, "This is exactly what I was looking for." SWEEEET! Also, we had another investigator bring his entire family and his wife cried in church because of how happy she was. Let's just say, yesterday was a great day at church. One of the parts I love most about the mission is the opportunity to meet different people, every single day. This week we saw a 70 year-old man trying to squirt our car with a water gun. Where else do you get to see incredible people like that?
This week I have grown such a strong testimony about the power of creating a spiritual plan before making it come to pass temporally. Everything in the world happens because it was first....spiritually planned. By coming to this realization, I realize the importance of exercising more faith on a daily basis. In my prayers I had not thought to ask for more faith before, but by doing so this week, the Lord has poured down miracles upon us. Lift up your head, create a spiritual plan, and go teach the elect! I had never realized the power behind this simple principle. Alma 32 has truly become one of my favorite chapters because it talks about both faith and humility. These are two things that I am focusing on to become a better missionary. Alma 32:13, "And now, because ye are compelled to be humble blessed are ye; for a man sometimes, if he is compelled to be humble, seeketh repentance; and now surely, whosoever repenteth shall find mercy; and he that findeth mercy and endureth to the end the same shall be saved." The Doctrine of Christ and humility are directly correlated. Man, church is so true, I love it!
Well I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you so incredibly much!
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